Online History Class: June 30th 7:00

For those interested in the background and history of Japanese rope, I will be doing a talk "Searching for the Heart of Kinbaku" for...

Group Class to Resume Mid-April

Following CDC guildlines, LA Rope will be re-opening for group lessons. Participants (including instructors and demo bottoms) must be fully vaccinated (two weeks...

May Workshop: Kinbaku 101

Kinbaku 101 is series of classes offered at the LA Rope Dojo that focuses on kinbaku basics and fiundamentals.  It is taught over the...

May 7th: Rope Suspension: Theory and Practice

Join us for a discussion of rope bondage suspensions. One of the most dramatic and intense forms of rope play, suspensions have a long...

Rope Class October 2, The Art and History of Kinbaku

Come explore the classic foundations of kinbaku and see some extremely rare art and books, including original Ukiyo-e prints, Japanese books from the 1950s...

Rope Class Dec 4th, The Art of Kinbaku Photography

Kinbaku can be seen from a wide number of perspectives: connection, performance, eroticism, sexuality, and many more. One of its core forms of expression,...

Yoga for Rope Bottoms, August 16th, 10:00am

We are really happy to announce that our friends from NoCal are going to be in LA offering a workshop on yoga designed specifically...

Feb 5th, Safety for Rope Bottoms (and Tops)

Come join us as we begin our workshop series for 2015. Our first class will be on safety in kinbaku, covering everything from anatomy and...

LA Rope at Threshold: 3 Erotic One Rope Ties, July 2

Join us the first Thursday of July for our summer workshop on one rope, erotic ties. The goal of this class is to give...

Rope Class November 6, Kinbaku for Lovers

  This class will examine the rope of kinbaku in intimate relationships, focusing on the “caressing style” of Yukimura Haruki. We will be showing clips...

Rope Photo Shoot: Jan 25th, 12:00-4:00

Join Master K and Zetsu for their first open photoshoot featuring the lovely "Paper Bullets" as our model. The shoot will take place at Dystopian...

June Suspension Workshop Sold Out

Our June suspension workshop is sold out for this month.  We will be holding this particular workshop twice a year.  If you are interested...